Weight Loss and Medication

Many people experience weight gain from the medication that they take on a regular basis. Does this sound familiar to you? It is an unfortunate side affect that affects thousands and thousands of people. So what can you do to drop those pounds? The best way to get rid of that unwanted weight is to... Continue Reading →

The Power Of Now Changed My Life

Do you remember the book titled "The Power Of Now" by Eckhart Tolle? This book became my "mindful" bible. No, it is not a religious book. It is more about spiritual awakening, and the power of living in the present moment. When I grabbed this book at the good ol book store, I was at... Continue Reading →

Positive Affirmations May 2, 2019

If I told you there was something magical that can change your beliefs and rewire your brain to be more positive, fight depression, and battle anxiety... Not to mention improve your self esteem... Would you buy into that "magic"?? One form of that magic can be found in the form of positive Affirmations! Personal growth... Continue Reading →

Today I Choose To Love Me

Today I choose to love myself as much as I choose to love him. By making this choice and making myself a priority, I am better able to love others unconditionally and without judgement. I am choosing the same unconditional, nonjudgmental love for myself. I am deserving of this great love for myself. ~~~~ Positive... Continue Reading →

Mindfulness For A Better Life

Mindfulness is becoming more and more popular as the method of choice for therapists, and psychologists, often referred to as Dialectical Behavioral Therapy. It is the only treatment used to treat those with Borderline Personality Disorder, and is quickly gaining traction as a treatment method for everything from mental disorders, to stress... and is even... Continue Reading →

10 Ultimate Self-Care Tips

"Taking care of yourself doesn't mean me first, it means me too."- L.R. Knost An article from NAMI (National Alliance On Mental Health) about self-care and Taking Care Of Yourself says that self-care is "like the advice we’re given on airplanes: put on your own oxygen mask before trying to help someone else with theirs."... Continue Reading →

Start To Be Great!

Today's positive quote comes from Zig Ziglar... simply saying, "You don't have to be great to start, but you have to start to be great." Words so simple yet so profound at the same time. No matter what you do in life, you have to start somewhere. This blog for example, it is in it's... Continue Reading →

Positive Affirmation for April 14, 2019

Positive affirmations help you to rewire your brain... negativity will slowly begin to diminish, being replaced by the positive words you string together as affirmations. All it takes is practice! Monday April 14, 2019 positive affirmation: I choose love, joy, and freedom. I open my heart, and allow wonderful things to flow into my life.... Continue Reading →

Opiate Epidemic

How is it that a doctor can prescribe a medication that alters your brain chemistry, causes dependency and addiction, and they prescribe these drugs without any type of treatment plan discussed, or worse, without a plan to gradually wean the patient off the medication once it is no longer needed? That doesn’t jive with the... Continue Reading →

Loving You

Are you a great friend to others? When your friend has a problem in life, do you offer kind words of encouragement, offer assistance, and support them in any way you possibly can? Are you loving, affectionate, nurturing to your significant other? When a mistake is made by someone you love, do you help them... Continue Reading →

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